1. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Special Learning Disabilities Policies in Sweden.
The article
Drigas, A., & Karyotaki, M. (2017). Attentional control and other executive functions. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 12(03), 219-233.
has been included in
Frondelius, I. A., Ranjbar, V., & Danielsson, L. (2019). Adolescents’ experiences of being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a phenomenological study conducted in Sweden. BMJ open, 9(8), e031570.
2. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Emotional & Cognitive Education Policy in South Korea.
The article
Drigas, A. S., & Papoutsi, C. (2018). A new layered model on emotional intelligence. Behavioral Sciences, 8(5), 45.
has been included in
Nam, D. H. (2019). Emotional intelligence for pastoral leadership: an evaluative study of the teaching modules on emotional intelligence for pastoral leaders at Seoul Theological Seminary in South Korea.
3. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the E-Learning Environments for Sign Language Policy in the UK, Germany, Poland, Portugal and the US
The article
Drigas, A. S., Kouremenos, D., Kouremenos, S., & Vrettaros, J. (2005, July). An e-learning system for the deaf people. In 2005 6th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (pp. T2C-17). IEEE.
has been included in
4. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Deaf Education Policy in India.
The article
Drigas, A., Vrettaros, J., Tagoulis, A., & Kouremenos, D. (2010, September). Teaching a foreign language to deaf people via vodcasting & web 2.0 tools. In World Summit on Knowledge Society (pp. 514-521). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
has been included in
Fan, H. (2019, February). An E-learning Ecosystem for Deaf Young Adult Learners’ English Literacy Attainment in India (Doctoral dissertation, University of Central Lancashire).
5. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Report about ICT Teaching Policy for ASD students in India.
The article
Drigas, A., & Vlachou, J. A. (2016). Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 4(1), 4-10.
has been included in
Bhat, M. M. S., & Philip, L. (2019, March). AN EXPLORATORY STUDY TRACING THE IMPACT OF ICT ENABLED EDUCATION AMONG STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER IN BANGALORE. International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 7(3), 1022-1036.
6. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Report about ICT Teaching Policy for ASD students in India.
The article
Drigas, A. S., & Ioannidou, R. E. (2013). Special Education and ICTs. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 8(2).
has been included in
Bhat, M. M. S., & Philip, L. (2019, March). AN EXPLORATORY STUDY TRACING THE IMPACT OF ICT ENABLED EDUCATION AMONG STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER IN BANGALORE. International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 7(3), 1022-1036.
7. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, 2019, IGI Global.
The article
Ntalianis, K., Kavoura, A., Tomaras, P., & Drigas, A. (2015). Non-Gatekeeping on Social Networks: A Reputation Monitoring Approach. Journal of Tourism and Services, 6(10), 19–44.
has been included in
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, 2019, IGI Global
8.A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Gender Gaps Policy in relation to ICTs in Portugal, Poland, Lithuania and Cyprus, In Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Marketing for Global Reach
The article
Pappas, M., Papagerasimou, Y., Drigas, A., Raftopoulos, D., & Nikolaidis, P. (2017). ICT-based Innovation and Employability for Women. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 7(2), 36-47.
has been included in
Sarmento, M., Galego, D., Dias, M. A. D. C. F., & Amorim, M. (2019). Assessing Gender Gaps on ICT Competences in Four European Countries. In Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Marketing for Global Reach in the Digital Economy (pp. 132-153). IGI Global.
9.A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Medical Education Policy in Bulgaria.
The article
Drigas, A. S., & Pappas, M. A. (2015). On Line and Other Game-Based Learning for Mathematics. International Journal of Online Engineering, 11(4).
has been included in
Georgieva-Tsaneva, G. N. (2019). Innovative Methods in Medical Education in Bulgaria: Video Materials and Serious Games. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(16), 165-171.
10. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Education Policy of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Saudi Arabia.
The article
Papanastasiou, G., Drigas, A., Skianis, C., & Lytras, M. D. (2017). Serious games in K-12 education Benefits and impacts on students with attention, memory and developmental disabilities. PROGRAM-ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 51(4), 424-440.
has been included in
Alshamri, K. H. (2019). Evaluation of Education Students with Intellectual Disability in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Education and Learning, 8(1), 131-137.
11. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Organizational Policies of the Food Industry in Saudi Arabia.
The article
Drigas, A., Koukianakis, L., & Papagerasimou, Y. (2011). Towards an ICT-based psychology: E-psychology. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(4), 1416-1423.
has been included in
Basri, W. (2019, September). Investigating Factors Affecting the Business Management of Saudi Food Industry by SMART-PLS, Measurement, and Structural Equation Models: Moderating Role of Knowledge Management. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 18(3), 426-439.
12. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the Educational Infrastructures Policies in Nigeria.
The article
Drigas, A., & Pappas, M. (2015). A review of mobile learning applications for mathematics. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 9(3), 18-23.
has been included in
Onojah, A. O., Olumorin, C. O., Adegbija, M., & Babalola, T. O. (2019, July). Perception of Undergraduate Students on the Utilisation of Flipped Classroom for Learning in South-West Nigeria. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 21(1).
13. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about the M-learning Policy for High Schools in Developing Countries of Africa.
The article
Drigas, A., & Pappas, M. (2015). A review of mobile learning applications for mathematics. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 9(3), 18-23.
has been included in
14.A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Social Policy Report about the Children’s Cognitive Development Policy
The article
Drigas, A. S., Pappas, M. A., & Lytras, M. (2016). Emerging Technologies for ICT based Education for Dyscalculia: Implications for Computer Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering Education, 32(4), 1604-1610.
has been included in
Blumberg, F. C., Deater-Deckard, K., Calvert, S. L., Flynn, R. M., Green, C. S., Arnold, D., & Brooks, P. J. (2019). Digital Games as a Context for Children’s Cognitive Development: Research Recommendations and Policy Considerations. Social Policy Report. Volume 32, Number 1. Society for Research in Child Development.
15. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about Big Data Policy in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia
The article
Drigas, A. S., & Leliopoulos, P. (2014). The use of big data in education. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 11(5), 58.
has been included in
Alsheikh, N. A. (2019). Developing an Integrated Framework to Utilize Big Data for Higher Education Institutions in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol, 11.
16. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about Social Networks in Education Policy in Ecuador
The article
Karabatzaki, Z., Stathopoulou, A., Kokkalia, G., Dimitriou, E., Loukeri, P. I., Economou, A., & Drigas, A. (2018). Mobile Application Tools for Students in Secondary Education. An Evaluation Study. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 12(2), 142-161.
has been included in
Santillán Aguirre, P., Cadena Vaca, V., & Cadena Vaca, M. (2019). Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento: uso de las Redes Sociales en la Educación Universitaria de Ecuador. Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores, 6(2).
17. A NET MEDIA LAB’s study – article has been included in a Policy Study about Learning Multimedia Policy in Indonesia
The article
Drigas, A. S., & Kokkalia, G. K. (2014). ICTs in kindergarten. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 9(2).
has been included in
Maria, U., Rusilowati, A., & Hardyanto, W. (2019). Interactive multimedia development in the learning process of Indonesian culture introduction theme for 5-6 year old children. Journal of Primary Education, 8(3), 344-353.