
Action: Strategic Partnerships

Field: School Education

Submission No: 2019-1-PL01-KA201-065123


Start Date:01/10/2019

End Date:30/11/2021

Duration:26 Months


The development of an educational programme, which introduces Robotics and Coding to people with Deafness or Hearing impairment will address the need for the right of access and participation of a neglected group to learning opportunities, ensure their participation and inclusion in the digitalized labour market as well as enhance accessibility, equality, education and training.

The aims of the ROBOTICS4DEAF project are to:

 – Ensure access and participation of students with deafness or hearing impairments through the design and development of a Training Package which promotes coding/robotics skills that integrates into all STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

– Design and implement the programme for students with in-built ICT training offered both online and face-to-face, and constant monitoring and assessment procedures through a mentoring offered in an open environment using Open Badges.

The Direct Target Group of the project is Students – Youth (10-21 yrs) with deafness or hearing impairments, while the indirect Target Group is Teachers working with deaf students either in formal schools (mainstream schools or special schools or school for deaf or special units as per the regulations in each partner country) or in non-formal settings and Sign language teachers who are interested in being educated to support and help students with deafness to learn how to code and how to program a robot.


P1: Spoleczna Academia Nauk / SAN (University of Social Sciences) – Poland


P2: Turin Institute for the Deaf – Italy

P3: Emphasys Centre – Cyprus

P4: National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”) – Greece

P5: DeafStudio – Slovakia

P6: Rezekne Academy of Technologies – Latvia

P7: Polish Association of the Deaf in Łódź


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