Action: Strategic Partnerships
Field: Adult Education
Submission No: 2016-1-PT02-KA205-003182
Acronym:Summer E-Challenge
Start Date:01/06/2016
End Date:30/11/2017
Duration:18 Months
According to the 2015 Eurydice Report the average summer holidays in Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece is about 11-13 weeks. Could this non-working be utilized in a useful and productive way so that young people can acquire skills and competences that are not highly promoted in formal education? Non-formal learning has been acknowledged widely in the last decade proving unique opportunity to involve young people in activities on a voluntary basis.
The ‘SUMMER e-CHALLENGES” projects project aims to utilise the summer non-school time of young people in order to promote the acquisition, recognition and validation of basic and soft skills with an emphasis on digital skills that young people gain in non-formal learning opportunities, so that they become transparent, visible and useful for their academic and adult life.
The project proposes the introduction of an innovative “SUMMER CHALLENGE PROGRAMME” which young people can participate on a voluntary basis in order to acquire a combination of skills, competences, knowledge and attitudes that are considered essential for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. It is in essence is a self-directed, non-competitive, voluntary, flexible, and adaptable scheme of non-formal learning activities that is based on young people’s’ personal development (13-16 yrs old).
P1: Make it Better, Association for Innovation and Social Economy (MiB) – Portugal
P2: National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – Greece
P3: Euni Partners – Bulgaria
P4: Emphasys Centre – Cyprus
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