Net Media Lab participated in the 54th Annual Summer School of N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”. In particular, on Thursday 4 July 2019, at the amphitheater of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN), Dr. Athanasios Drigas gave a speech on “Computer Technologies & Cognitive – Metacognitive Skills in Education” to an audience of undergraduate and graduate students of Science and Technology Universities of Greece. During his 45 mins speech, he also briefly presented …
Net Media Lab participated in the 2nd Transnational Meeting of the CODESKILLS4ROBOTICS project in Herakleion, Crete on 24 & 25 June 2019
On Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June 2019, the 2nd Transnational project meeting for the Erasmus+ project “CODESKILLS4ROBOTICS: Promoting Coding & STEM Skills through Robotics: Supporting Primary Schools to Develop Inclusive Digital Strategies for All“ took place at the Library of the newly established Hellenic Mediterranean University (former Technological Educational Institute of Crete) in Herakleion, Crete. Representatives of all six (6) partners participated in this very fruitful meeting from Greece, …
Net Media Lab presented the final version of the Seniors Go Digital e-learning platform at the 3rd project meeting in Blagovegrad, Bulgaria on the 11th and 12th of June 2019
During the 3rd partner meeting of the “Seniors Go Digital” project organized on the 11th and 12th of June 2019 in Blagovegrad, Bulgaria, Net Media Lab presented the final version of the e-learning platform that was designed and developed in the framework of the project to all partners from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Sweden and Italy. The “Seniors Go Digital” Consortium is: P1: Halsingland Education Association (SE) P2: Acli Provinciale di Rimini (IT) P3: Private Institute …
Net Media Lab participated in the Business Forum: “Agriculture and livestock production under the challenges of climate change” of the CLICHA project
AGROVET Campus– L.go Braccini 2, Grugliasco-Turin (Italy) 12 June 2019 h. 8.30-13.30 – Aula Magna A
Net Media Lab participated in the 2nd meeting of the project MeLDE in Munster, Germany (2 & 3 April 2019)
Net Media Lab participated in the 2nd transnational project meeting of the project “MeLDE: Media Literacy in the Digitalised Era: Supporting Teachers Through a Whole-School Approach”, which took place in Munster, Germany on Tuesday 2 & Wednesday 3 April 2019 at the premises of our German partners Burgerhaus – Bennohaus (AKO). During the meeting, the consortium had a constructive discussion related to the content and structure of the MeLDE Framework. The …
Net Media Lab participated in the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting for the Project “CLICHA: Climate Change in Agriculture”
The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the CLICHA project took place on two consecutive days, the 24th of October at the Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab and the 25th of October at the National Institute of Agriculture of Tunisia in Tunis. The consortium had the opportunity to meet after a long period of time and get involved with important technical and managerial issues of the project. Many …
Net Media Lab of N.C.S.R. “Demokritos” participated in the 2018 Researcher’s Night with the educational workshop “Program an Edison Robot!”
On Friday 5 October 2018, Net Media Lab participated in the 2018 Researcher’s Night with the educational workshop “Program an Edison Robot!”, which took place at the Ionion Room of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”. The workshop, which addressed primary school children aged 9-12 years old, was about teaching these children how to program a robot using the Lego-compatible Edison robots. The pupils has the opportunity to …